I'm glad to see that Barack Obama's church is finally standing up for embattled pastor Jeremiah Wright, although I wonder whether it's too little too late.
As Sen. Obama's march to the Democratic nomination has seemed more and more inexorable, Hillary Clinton has become more desperate, more shrill, more willing than ever bloody her rival with smear tactics, whisper campaigns and blatant appeals to white supremacism. Her campaign has cast aspersions on his heritage, his name, his religion and, recently, his pastor. More and more, it's becoming clear that Barack Obama is not simply running against Clinton. He's running against the absolute worst of white America: its racist sickness; its deep-seated delusions about white beauty and superiority; its lies about our nation's foreign policy; its patent hatred for anything even remotely unlike itself.
Hillary Clinton has appealed to all of these things. She has courted the worst elements of the national psyche, all in the hope that white racism will save her election chances. She has turned on black folks in the most crass, obvious and irrevocable ways. For years now, Black people have supported her and her husband almost blindly. We've tagged him "the first Black president," defended them against scandal, welcomed them into communities like Harlem. And what have we received in return? Backed in a corner and desperate to capture the Dem nomination, the Clintons have thrown black people under the bus.
That's a favor that, if Hillary Clinton somehow does win the nomination, more than a few of us are ready to return. I, for one, will not vote for her if she wins the nomination. I can't say for sure yet whether I'd vote at all for President -- voting for McCain is out, but I may still write in Obama's name -- but I know I'll never support a Clinton for anything ever again.
Of course, even if she doesn't win, she has bloodied Sen. Obama's image so badly that his task of winning the White House, at one point a foregone conclusion, now looms as an increasingly unlikely mission.
I still believe Barack Obama can win, that he can overcome the smears and lies that the Clintons and their Republican fuckbuddies have thrown out there to short-circuit him. If he does, I'm willing to bet that Black Americans will get past the racist displays that the Clintons have paraded in front of us and move forward with trying to unite the Democratic Party and this nation. But if he loses -- given the racist dynamics that his rivals have played to to surpass him -- I'm willing to bet that the Democratic Party will never be the same again.
It certainly won't have many of us to kick around anymore.
Thanks for sharing your views. You bring a perspective that we can all relate to. It's the kind of thinking that can get a motherf***er offed.
You are the most dangerous black man out there. You're smart, able to express yourself and don't care about upsetting white folk. You go boy!
i feel about hillary, about the same way i do about joss stone. you trying too hard to speak to black folk yo, it's condescending, it's forced, and i don't believe you. and like joss probably does in her personal life, the real hillary conveniently because extremely white, the minute the black card doesn't seem to be working.
if hillary wins the nomination, not only am i not voting in this election, i'll never vote for another democrat ever again.
Big up, fellas! Thanks for the support -- and the inspiration. Peace.
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