Sunday, March 16, 2008

WTF Is Nigganalysis?

"Nigganalysis" is the term I've coined for the uncompromising world view that courageous working-class black people express daily when honestly assessing the bullshit state of our people's conditions all around the globe. Nigganalysis is grounded, informed, intelligent and -- most important of all -- unafraid in its willingness to stake out intellectual ground that the American mainstream finds offensive. Nigganalysis doesn't set out to offend anyone. But nigganalysis also can't afford to give a fuck if you get offended, just as long it's being true to the realities of the conditions of black folk. 

Nigganalysis is not about glorifying stereotypical "nigga" behavior or thought — nor is it seeking to validate the gross mischaracterizations of black folks established by white America. Nigganalysis acknowledges, however, that, to the degree that he exists at all, the "nigga" is a thoroughly American creation, brought about by the soul-crushing oppression of American white supremacism. To the degree that all black people have been victimized, humiliated, traumatized, terrorized and permanently scarred by white supremacism, to that same degree are we all "niggas." It is in this context that, whenever we attempt to critically examine our circumstances, our place at this point in history, we engage in nigganalysis. 

Refusal to acknowledge our conditions is denial. Passively accepting what's been done to us is cowardice. Calling this shit for what it is each and every day, without ever losing sight of the daily sacrifices we make to exist within the selfsame shit you call out as fucked up -- that, my friend, is nigganalysis.

Nigganalysis is expressed by all kinds of black folks everyday, whenever we look out on the world for ourselves and analyze what's going on irrespective of what other people think. Nigganalysis drives the comedy of Paul Mooney and Dick Gregory, fuels the lyrics of rappers like dead prez and Lupe Fiasco, inspires the politics of activists like Amiri Baraka and informs the attitudes of athletes like Gary Sheffield, Eton Thomas and Craig Hodges. 

Nigganalysis provokes defiance, talks shit and compels black men to stand up. Nigganalysis is about assessing what is even while trying to figure out what should be. 

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